Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feb 29 leap year.....are u proposing!....

and finally we got to the cream of this month,
February 29, the extra day in  2012!
you lovely friends out there do you have
your proposal ready for today?
are you asking him to marry you!

this month has been extraordinary in every way
i can think of.....a february full of love and love
and more every direction in my life.
few bumps but i jumped over and pass them!
i've seen many beautiful inspiring things
and have had heartfelt meaningful connections!
i have accomplished lots in "searching for my
artistic self project" that im so so so exited about!
i have fallowed up with my promise in the beginning
of the month to post a love quote a day every day
to spice up my own love life if nothing else!
(and believe me that was not easy to be committed
to one topic for an entire month ) but i did it.
(i might have missed a day or two late posts! na!)
also, there have been some loved ones who i have
been out of touch totally and we got in touch again
out of blue this month!......stories....laughter shared
and that made me feel people come to your life and
go out of your life all for reasons. but all even those
who are gone still stay with you for the rest of your life!
they become part of who you really are!

however today....... i decided to marry myself!

i vow myself to be more than ever and ever committed
to who i am and want to be! to the true pure still little me 
who just wants to be free of possessing anything or be
possessed by anybody, anything! to eli who wants to
live life filled with love, art, music, dance, passion,
compassion and courage regardless of when, how,
where, or with whom, and under any circumstances!

and......... that is the vow i take today.
and to be honest with you all out there......
i feel soooooo blessed with my life and what i have
been through and how everything step by step got me
closer to a day like today that i am very clear about
many things in my life! really really!
also... i hope this marriage allow me to grow more,
learn more and become a true transparent person
i want to be by the end....i want to grow old with
this eli i know now!

so here you go my marriage vow:

I, eli, take you, eli, for my lawful soulmate, 
to have and to hold, 
from this day forward, 
for better, 
for worse, 
for richer, 
for poorer, 
in sickness 
and in health, 
until death do us part.
(or in my case....until death make us just one)

 [ fotos of leap years via here and the last one via here ]

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Maya Angelou.......

“Have enough courage to trust love one
more time and always one more time.”
- Maya Angelou
this would be the extra quote from my all time favorite
author/poet/people who i like to meet one day.
her words just sink in my like a sponge absorbing water!

feb 27 + quote....

do what you love, 
love what you do, 
leave the world a better place,
and don't pick your nose.   
- Jeff Mallett 
(p.s. did not get a chance to 
put together yesterday's quote!
i might come up with an extra 
one later today.
[foto via here]

Monday, February 27, 2012 in the moment....

i'm sending these bright springish full-of-life 
bouquets to a "berry berry" special  person 
in my life who is not feeling well and is in pain 
at this time! heal fast dear you!

life is full of surprises in every second.
we never know even if we are here for another
minute to breath, walk, eat, laugh, or do things!
so.....go for min by min. dont rush through your
moments to get to the next and dont regret
the ones you missed! present ones is the
only sure ones.
grab each moment as tight as you can!

and ..... live it fully......really really!

[fotos via here]

Sunday, February 26, 2012

a belated post.......feb 25 love quote.......

I just loved this postcard. [art via here ]

this post is about my found for "a love quote every day" assignment
i gave myself during Feb for the leap year!

feb you love you?......

“I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties 
through my love for truth - and truth rewarded me.”
- Simone de Beauvoir

i know i know i miss it yesterday as i had so much to catch up
after a week of working long hours at the office.
but i will post another love post to cover for yesterday
very soon. i promise!
[foto via here]

Saturday, February 25, 2012

a new addition.....

I love my bathroom. i do. it's small and vintage looking.
old charm. from door knob to the vintage bath top.
so things that go there must be special to me!
i just got a plant of hyacinth flower as gift from a
dear friend and i thought it would be perfect to be there!
i did not have any scented flower in there for a week.
(i usually put some fresh flowers that smell good)
i like it when i go there at nights and the fragrance 
is even stronger!
call me crazy but i am very selective about what
i put in my bathroom. its a very personal place!
you cant just leave things there without personal
connections! can you?!!!!!!

[fotos are via myself that i just took today in my bath room]

Friday, February 24, 2012

feb 23 & 24.........

love is round
not square
or triangle
or rectangle

love is round
and not pink
love is yellow

love is life
life is love

love is.....
you and me 
and everyone between

hee hee hee
how do you like my instance poetic writing?!

{I have been swamped at work this week.
so not much time to play here on my blog! you go i combine yesterday and 
today love quotes and post this foto i just 
took of a card i bought for myself years back. 
i fell in love with simplicity of it and yet
it expresses a lot in three words!
also the painting tells me.... less is more! }

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

feb 22..................

I just fell in love with this artist, seth , illustration style.
he has a shop on etsy.
and for the love quote of today....
here you are.....his words from one of his works....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

feb 20 & 21 quotes.......

I missed the love quote for yesterday.
so here you go two for today by Paulo Coelho:
"One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. "
"If everybody loves you, something is wrong. You can’t please everybody.

[foto via here]

Monday, February 20, 2012

Karen Margolis............

I am starting my not-very-bright-monday with Karen Margolis!
her sculpture series are absolutely breathtaking. I love love it.
kind of organic and free forms of paper fiber with transparent
effect (which i always intend to create in my own work!)
im inspired for the day!
happy monday! regardless......

Sunday, February 19, 2012

day 19.....quote 19.......

"You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep 
because reality is finally better than your dreams."
- Dr Seuss 

[foto via here]

Feb 18...... love quote ......

"Love has an underground way of filling you, invisible.
The only way to know is just give it and see — 
you are always full."      
- osho

i have being reading osho's book for almost a decade now.
the fist book was " the pathless path" everything i read in
that book was such an eye opening! could not get enough
of it then. his words have been always helped me beautifully
to understand many things that did not make sense years ago!
i just read what he says about love here. loved it!

[photo via here]

Friday, February 17, 2012

day 17....quote 17

here you go the quote of today:

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more
deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person
is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire
universe deserve your love and affection”.     - Buddha

i tottaly missesd yesterday quote!
i was so wrpped up in my rose photos collection
that at the end i did not write any quote for yesterday!
woke up this morning with a feeling of oh no i missed it!
so i owe you guys out one quote and posting for Feb 16.

[foto: my own first ever watercolor heart painting!
hee hee hee....i think i really drew exactly my own heart!]

Thursday, February 16, 2012

what you do when u get roses.....

little i knew when i said NO i did not want
roses specially pink or red on valentine day.
the next thing i knew on the day after
was a little vase with a pink & a red rose on my table
how that happened!
does universe listen to us at all!?

they are so imperfectly perfect
that i had to photograph them today
for the first time ever photographing roses! they are......
with my simple shoot and go camera
my first collection of rose photos!
not too bad....dont you think

[p.s. there is no photoshop editing, cropping or else in these photos.
they are shown here as raw as possible off my camera memory!]

im a little exited for my pink rose
it looks such a perfect flower after all!

again the lesson learned
never say never.

thinking to photograph the red one too!
so............stay tuned......