Every time i visit Flora Grubb i cant help but get more inspired for everything live and green!
(not that im far from living with live plants, but still, i have an ongoing craving for re-presenting
nature made greens in new ways - or so to speak re-presenting in unusuall artistic ways)
so this time again im falling in love with these glass containers with little air plants arrangements.
i have seen them around for a while now in the bay area, and i have a couple of my own, but still
they create such a joy in my heart when i look at them every time! its like going to a museum
and seeing rare things from behind the glass cases...............a mysterious happening! you wonder
how they can be a living green with no soil!
do i ever get bored, tired or say enough is enough and move on!?
i dont think so!
[fotos via Flora Grubb]