These amazing wisterias are from the Wisteria Tunnel
at Kawachi Fuji
Gardens, in Kitakyushu, Japan.
I have memories of Wisteria flowers when every spring they
bloomed very densly on th fence in front of our house back then!
they made the entrance to our house like an old British painting!
The smell, the color (ours was purplish like Lilac flowers), the
way they were hanging down .... intense yet ethereal ....it was
all very promising, and optimistic in the most humble way!
i never could forget butterflies-in-my-stomach feelings
i used to get when they were in full bloom!
now......seeing these fotos just touched me the same way!
all im thinking this morning is "pleeez universe take me
there sometimes" so i experience walking in that garden!
after all..... i have to reconnect with my Japanese
side of me that is just awakened recently!
dont you think so!! hee hee hee!!